Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Psychic Ability Uses: Survey of 294 users

TYPES OF ABILITIES USED BY 294 IndigoSociety.com MEMBERS as of 11-02-2014.

It covers from Post #1 to post #929 page 47 and is compiled in Alphabetical order.
The emphasis of this list is “use” by the members rather than the standard classical category definitions. There are two basic forms of psi-ability skills. One is receiving and interpreting received energy, The other is sending, projecting energy to cause an effect. Some psi-skills
like Telepathy use both sending and receiving.
At the left is the number of people that “use” that specific ability.

62 - - - ASTRAL PROJECTION: is an out-of-body experience.
This mental persona is a solid form that can include the soul.
This form of our persona is commonly used to travel in Time and other Dimensions. Safe return intentions need to be used to prevent injury or death.
06 - - - ASTROL PROJECTION: is a related out-of-body experience too,
This mental persona projection is in a wispy, ghost like form that does not contain the soul, and can not be injured. It is an excellent form to use for
first contact of past cultures. The many people that fly about at night
usually use this “body” form
40 - - -AERO KINETIC: can influence or control air through it’s speed, it’s temperature,
it’s density, it’s direction and the general weather. To cause large changes in weather patterns, requests to the Air Being Persona are necessary.
55 - - - AURA READING:
Seeing-reading the radiated energy of others.
31 - - - AUTO WRITING-Drawing, Painting, Composing and Performing. These creative activities are often activated by an unknown energy source.
13 - - - CHAMELEON:
Controlling the degree of visibility of your physical body and its energy.
66 - - - CLAIR-AUDIENT :
Mentally hearing unseen, unknown voices, sounds or music.
Knowing what is for dinner.
Tasting matter and energy.
Knowing what your gifts or presents are going to be.
The smelling of odors of an object without the object being present.
71 - - - CLAIR-SENTIENT with objects.
Knowing hidden or unknown information that is within objects.
Having the sensation of physically feeling energy and unseen matter.
Seeing- perceiving future events, that can be in different time lines.
39 - - - CHANNELING:
Letting other beings [spirits] to use you as a channel
to communicate with others.

51 - - - DIVINATION / JUST KNOWING: Receiving Divine answers from a God, Angels
or from the Inter-Galactic Library staffed by The Gray Brotherhood
23- - - DOWSING: It is the Sensing the energies of matter or the thoughts
of the Nature Beings with the help of physical aids.
Influencing or controlling electrical energy and subtle energies.
137 - - -EMPATHY: with plants and people;
Feeling, sensing and causing the emotions in others by energy projection.
This is our first ability, it is developed during the 6th month of pre-birth.
The ability to cause and control the exchange of energy between beings.
17 - - - ENERGY READING: Related to Psychometric and Aura Reading.
Feeling and evaluating the energy of people and objects.
45 - - - ESP: Extra Sensory Perception.
Receiving information from all your senses, physical, spiritual and.
Causing things to happen with directed energy through intention.
It is sometimes called serendipity.
13 - - - HEALING:
By touch or by thought energy, helping the body heal itself
99 - - - INTUITION:
Using all of your senses, physical and mental to make a determination.
A pre or post awareness state of REM sleep-dreaming where
you aware of your dreaming and can be in total control of
the dream as it interacts with our and other realities.
.23 - - -LEVITATION: the name of a use of telekinesis.
Controlling the properties of matter and gravity to lift or move
a human or other beings through visual energy manipulation of matter and gravity
17 - - - MEDIUM: An intervening force between dimensions.
A person with an awareness that can see and/or communicate
with spirits, organized energy or beings from another dimensional realities.
43 - - - MIND-OVER-BODY: is also referred to as MIND-WITH-BODY:
Controlling your physical bodies sensing and reactions to control hunger,
pain, self healing, blood loss, heart beat, breathing and all other body functions

04 - - - MANIFESTING: the creation of objects when in need.

01 - - - OUT-OF-BODY-PROJECTIONS: the ability to release and project
your spirit personality out side of your corporal body
Astral, Astrol, Clair-sentient and Remote Viewing are examples of this ability.
04 - - - PAST LIFE VISITING or regression.
Where you observe or participate with a past life or event in one of the Out-of- Body projections; commonly using Remote Viewing as a viewer or participant.
Feeling that an event is going to happen.
18 - - - PSYCHOMETRY: Related to remote viewing.
Sensing, viewing the history of an object.
13 - - - PYRO-KINESIS:
The controlling of matter to create fire or heat.
Detaching and projecting your vision from your physical body
to visit specific places in the present, the past or the future.
Joining in a requested and permitted oneness with Beings and objects.
This is sometimes referred to as a Zen Awareness.
Controlling your physical shape to assume different body forms.
This is often done in an Astral Projection.
28 - - - SHIELDING:
Your creating a protective barrier for your body and minds to control
the entrance or exit of unwanted energy.
Event creation through mental energy of Intention.
02 - - - SPEAKING-IN-TONGUES: A form of Channeling where a person
speaks the language of the Channeled Being without a translation into
the receiving persons normal language.
26 - - - TELEKINETIC with: wind, water, objects.
Controlling the properties of physical matter and gravity
to cause, change or stop molecular movement. See Aero-Kinetic.
83 - - -TELEPATHY: with animals.
Reading, exchanging empathic-picture-thoughts with animals.
73 - - -TELEPATHY: with people and ET Beings.
Reading picture thoughts, sensing and exchanging voiced or word-thoughts
with humans or ET Beings.
10 - - -TELEPATHY: With all plant life including trees.
Reading their energy, exchanging empathic-picture-thoughts with plant life
04 - - - TELEPORT: The moving of your Corporal or Astral body to different locations of
Time or Space. The range of the ability can be from across a room or to
travel across Galaxies and Dimensions.
05 - - - THINK-IN-NON-WORDS: Thinking in a pictorial manner.
Thinking in geometric and non geometric symbols and forms with
empathy. The pictorial forms assembled to form a conclusion.
This is the form of thought that all beings have. All human
minds develop pictorial. Silent movies are a good example of this forms of thought before words are taught to dominate the thinking process of Humans.

02 - - - PENDULUM: using a pendulum to determine yes or no answers from
an unknown source . . .see “divining”answers.

Additional comment:

There are overlapping definitions for some abilities. Some are subcategories
of what many think are the 8 major psychic abilities.
As an example. People felt there was needed distinction between the general
category of Telepathy and who or what they were mentality communicating with,
so the three categories were defined.

Thinking in non-words [using emotion plus pictures and symbols] is a description
of Telepathy, but this person was describing the pictorial images she saw when she
observed her thought process. [a Remote View ability]. But the group would rather
create a new use category to clarify the use..

Some one asked: “At a party, if I get overwhelmed, I will stand flat against the wall,
near a corner; and no one will see me.””If this is an ability, what is it called?”
So we named it the Chameleon Ability. The Ability to blend into a background.
Many of our designations are “street names” rather than the technical name.
An interesting thing is that when you use an ability every day, it is easy to
forget that it is a psychic ability that few people have. When I made up this
new list I said to myself about some things,“I do that” and added my use in the list tally..
Be in harmony,
be in beauty

Roger Armstrong.

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